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Whois - what is it and what to use it for

What is Whois

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the institution that regulates the registration and ownership of Internet domains. Whois is a database maintained by this organization that determines who is the owner of a domain and how to contact this person.

What's in the Whois record?

A Whois record contains all contact information related to the person, group, or company that is registering a specific domain name. Typically, each Whois record contains information such as the name and surname and contact information of the Subscriber (who owns the domain), name and surname and contact information of the registrar, registration dates, name servers, latest update and expiration date.


Please note that there is no way to hide the existence of a domain registration as anyone can check Whois to confirm the domain status. ICANN requires that contact information for domain name owners and managers be made publicly available through Whois directories. This includes postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Some domain registrars offer private registration services, which causes the registrar's contact information to be displayed instead of the domain owner. For this "private registration", the domain privacy service provider is the domain registrant. However, this does not ensure anonymity, registrars are legally obliged to disclose private information to authorized institutions.